Regenerative Medicine is used to
Replace tissues and Organs which are been damaged by disease. It also helpful
for the permanent damaged organs. This can be done through the cell based
therapy or by using cell products. Most of the regenerative medicine is depend
upon the endogenous developmental or repair process and stem cell plays a main
role in regenerative medicine. And they are integral part of the Regenerative
Medicine. The ability of stem cell is currently being researched by the doctors
and scientists it can cure untreatable diseases like diabetes, heart failure stem
cell also important in drug testing .These are used in Joints, Muscle pain,
Ligaments. Regenerative Injection Treatment are using autologous platelet or
plasma or bone marrow
Tissue engineer is the branch of regenerative medicine. Cells are
building block of tissues and Tissues are the main function in the body .Tissue
engineering and Regenerative Medicine is the regeneration of cells and tissues
and brings back to normal biological function. Lung regeneration is the fully
developmental biology of the lung. But these days Lung disease is leading cause of death over
the world. There are few effective treatments for those kinds of patients. The therapeutic
directly contribute to the structure and function of the new tissues .The cells
used in therapies is autologous or allogeneic. Autologous keratinocytes
for the severe wounds.
Regenerative medicine is the field where it brings together
experts in Biology, Chemistry Genetics, Medicine and Other fields. To find
solution to the medical problems faced by human.
For more Details Join 11th Annual Conference Stem Cell and
Regenerative Medicine
October 15-16, 2018 Helsinki, Finland
this is the best article and thanks for this suggestion Regenerative medicine specialist