Stem Cells: The NEXT Generation

Research using human and animal stem cells is an extremely active area of current biomedical inquiry and in the development of drugs for procured diseases. This field of research provides the trending proficiency about the lane of normal and abnormal cell differentiation and organismal development. It is a perforation perspective of new cell transplantation therapies for human diseases.

Therapeutic efficacy is the evaluation of the powerful advancements in the field of imaging techniques carried out in regenerative therapy. Non-invasive imaging offers the potential to better understand the interaction of exogenous stem cells with the host to answer questions such as the best cell type(s), timing of delivery, dose, and delivery route. If successful, these techniques may enable individually tailored dosing of stem cell therapeutics.

Gain the latest research updates on Stem cells & Regenerative medicine by taking part at the upcoming “11th Annual Conference on Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine” hailing at Dubai, UAE on July 19-20, 2018.

Major tracks summoned are Stem Cell Biology, Regenerative Medicine, Bioprocessing & Bio Banking, Stem Cell Niche, Tissue Regeneration, Embryonic Stem cell, Stem Cell Transplantation, Patient Specific Drug Discovery, Biomedicine, Adult Stem Cell, Stem Cell Biomarkers, Rehabilitation Engineering, Stem Cells for Organ Repair, Genetically modified Stem Cell Therapy, Cancer Stem Cell, and 3D Bioprinting & Biofabrication.

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