Stem cells involves in  physiologic systems that express the outcome of developmental events and organismal stress, as these cells play a fundamental role of tissue maintenance and repair, the received signals will play a critical role in the integrity of the organism. Mostly focused is shown on stem cell identification and the molecular pathways involved in their regulation. Achievement of physiologically responsive stem cell functions is done by these pathways. The following information will help in understanding the stem cells in the context of their microenvironment regarding the relation between stem cell niche dysfunction, carcinogenesis and aging.
The stem cells both reside and receive stimuli that determine their fate as stem cell niche is the in vivo microenvironment. Neither niche should not be considered simply a physical location for stem cells, nor as the place where extrinsic signals interact and integrate to influence stem cell behaviour. Stimuli includes cell-to-cell and cell-matrix interactions and signals (molecules) that activate and/or repress genes and transcription programs. Stem cells are maintained in a dormant state, because of the direct consequence of this interaction which leads to induced self-renewal or commit to a more differentiated state.
Hypothesis of a specialized stem cell microenvironment was first postulated in 1978 by Schoefield. He revealed that niches have a defined anatomical location and removal of stem cells from their niche results in differentiation. Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans gonads invertebrate model was first used in the demonstration and characterization of niche components. Examination of these systems, characterized in less complex animals, has led to pivotal insights into understanding the more complex mammalian niche architecture. It shows that the fundamental anatomical components and molecular pathways of the niche environment are highly conserved among species, although their respective roles within the niche may show distinct variations. Hence, it was proved that it is possible to identify common niche components that are associated with similar functions.
Major tracks summoned are Stem Cell Biology, Regenerative Medicine, Bioprocessing & Bio Banking, Stem Cell Niche, Tissue Regeneration, Embryonic Stem cell, Stem Cell Transplantation, Patient Specific Drug Discovery, Biomedicine, Adult Stem Cell, Stem Cell Biomarkers, Rehabilitation Engineering, Stem Cells for Organ Repair, Genetically modified Stem Cell Therapy, Cancer Stem Cell, and 3D Bioprinting & Biofabrication.

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